There are many different types of ear injuries and a long list of causes but they all should be treated like an emergency. Ears and eyes are two elements of the human body that you should never take a chance with. If you suspect injury, seek medical treatment.
Causes of Ear Injuries
There are both internal and external ear injuries. A substance or foreign object blocking or damaging the ear canal is extremely serious. Insects can crawl into your ears, especially when camping and kids may pop a Lego in there from time to time too. You should never attempt to remove anything lodged in anyone's ear, including your own.
Diving is another common cause of ear injuries. Basically, any time pressure is applied to your ear canal, the eardrum can be damaged.
Alternatively, there are also external injuries such as damage or lacerations, commonly caused by infected piercings or those that have been ripped out.
Types of Ear Injuries
ñ Auricular Hematoma – This is a blood clot that forms on the outer ear, under the skin.
ñ Eardrum Punctures – Result of an object in the ear.
ñ Eardrum Rupture – Increased water or air pressure causes these types of ear injuries.
ñ Inner Ear Injury – This is also the result of air or water pressure being increased.
ñ Middle Ear Injury – The result of an object in the ear.
ñ Other – Abrasions, contusions and lacerations.
First Aid – Foreign Objects in the Ear
If you are dealing with someone who has or suspects that they have some type of foreign object in the ear, you should:
ñ Reassure the individual so they calm down.
ñ Seek medical treatment immediately.
First Aid – Bleeding Ear
If you are with someone and there is blood coming from their ear, this is a serious cause for concern. Typically, a bleeding ear indicates a head injury so there are basic first aid steps that should be followed.
ñ Gently place a sterile gauze or pad over the ear, not inside the ear!
ñ Lay the individual on their side so that the affected ear is on the ground. This will allow blood and fluids to drain outward.
ñ Always treat the individual as if you are dealing with a serious head injury and do not allow them to fall asleep. You want them to be calm and relaxed yet awake. Reassure them and ask questions so they talk if you feel as though they are going to dose off.
ñ Call for a paramedic or ambulance immediately by dialing 000 in Australia or 911 in the USA.
You never know when you will be in an emergency situation so it is important to keep up to date with first aid training. You might just save a life.
One-on-One Professional Business Training provides regular
first aid courses in Brisbane and Townsville. If you would like more information call 1800 66 00 00
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